alright, it's that time of the week again. Pint Night is at P. Wexford's tonight. they're featuring a new beer tonight. it's called Bare Knuckle Stout. i can't wait to try it. hopefully it is a contender to Guinness. i like beers that require a fork to consume. my buddy CAPTMEXICO has to head back to Camp Pendelton tomorrow. that makes me a sad panda. i still need to put up a pic of my new piercing. i guess i need to not be lazy and use my camera. i'll try to do it soon. i promise. i'll let you all know how Bare Kunckle Stout is. Ciao!
Oh I am in Modesto right now! Suprise suprise!
I am going back to SC tomorrow night though. If you are around at all in the early part of the day I might see you. Well, even if you are working I may end up at the mall. Who knows.
Take care Matty! (=