havent updated in a while sorry!
well not a whole lot has happened....ooh i have a new hamstr though! her name is Leeloo ^__^ yes thats right the name is from 5th element teehee.
Watched Ghost world for the first time tonight. whole lot more depressing than i thought it would be, i like it ^_^
Me and Pete went for ice creams in...
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well not a whole lot has happened....ooh i have a new hamstr though! her name is Leeloo ^__^ yes thats right the name is from 5th element teehee.
Watched Ghost world for the first time tonight. whole lot more depressing than i thought it would be, i like it ^_^
Me and Pete went for ice creams in...
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hello beautiful

well yesterday sucked ass!
I saw my counselor and asked if it could be my last time as I think she's done all she can do to help now. I'm going to be referred to a psychologist. I'm a bit scared about that as they could be nasty, my counselor was a really nice lady.
She said she was upset because I still have so...
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I saw my counselor and asked if it could be my last time as I think she's done all she can do to help now. I'm going to be referred to a psychologist. I'm a bit scared about that as they could be nasty, my counselor was a really nice lady.
She said she was upset because I still have so...
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hi my sweety sweety friend ...thx for your friendship ....i'm glad ....and you are a marvellous girl .....have a nice days ....and

I am so tired
my parents came over and took me out for lunch
Then I met up with Luke and saw his flat for the first..even though he's been living there a year whoops. Then he came back over here, we were gonna have dinner but he wasn't hungry and he's only just so im going to have my dinner now hehe.
I miss...
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my parents came over and took me out for lunch

Then I met up with Luke and saw his flat for the first..even though he's been living there a year whoops. Then he came back over here, we were gonna have dinner but he wasn't hungry and he's only just so im going to have my dinner now hehe.
I miss...
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im so tired and im in huuuge pain with my legs
I didn't sleep last night.
Today was Petes day off,his last before going away this weekend so we had lots to do. I decided because our bathroom really is the gateway to hell it was about time we did something about it.
I bough lovely chrome things, new toilet brush holder, flip lip...
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I didn't sleep last night.
Today was Petes day off,his last before going away this weekend so we had lots to do. I decided because our bathroom really is the gateway to hell it was about time we did something about it.
I bough lovely chrome things, new toilet brush holder, flip lip...
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I'm reading Ask And It Is Given - which is kind of like
a big fucking eye opener! Very powerful stuff , quite scary actually - all about changing the way you think.
Did you get a new nice mirror for pete's hairstyling?
a big fucking eye opener! Very powerful stuff , quite scary actually - all about changing the way you think.
Did you get a new nice mirror for pete's hairstyling?

I haven't slept all night. my own fault, I got reading my new book I bought yesterday and couldn't put it down. Even though I did try to sleep at one point.
The book in question is, "The secret history of Lucifer - Lynn picknett" - no kiddies its not what you think. Lucufer as in "the light bringer" enlightenment and knowledge etc.godess worship, Christian...
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The book in question is, "The secret history of Lucifer - Lynn picknett" - no kiddies its not what you think. Lucufer as in "the light bringer" enlightenment and knowledge etc.godess worship, Christian...
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He's going to Croydon? Oh dear! Ishe worried??
Hmmm. Croydon.
...I've got some of them "reading bug" thingies too at the mo!
...I've got some of them "reading bug" thingies too at the mo!

Cute! Did you have the dreads professionally put in? I always wanted to dye my hair pink. But sadly I'm just too lazy, haha. At least I have the bleaching part done though. Still needs a bit more bleaching until it's blonde enough to color though.
Lazy mailperson....maybe you should file a report or something.
Lazy mailperson....maybe you should file a report or something.
not feeling too good today.
Had the dentist this morning, im not a happy bunny as I need too fillings. I'm so pissed off because I brush my teeth everyday! I think it must be down to my poor health.
I also had an Xray done and I might need my wisdom teeth taking out *sobs*
My parents took me to boscome afterwards but I...
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Had the dentist this morning, im not a happy bunny as I need too fillings. I'm so pissed off because I brush my teeth everyday! I think it must be down to my poor health.
I also had an Xray done and I might need my wisdom teeth taking out *sobs*
My parents took me to boscome afterwards but I...
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argh people have been opening my post again, And they have stolen something from the letter I got of fa penpal today
I really dont understand some people.
Yesterday was really nice. I have some photos but I'll upload them later....oh and I've took some of my tattoo ^__^
Been stressing out over my hair. nothing new I guess. I like the blonde but I...
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I really dont understand some people.
Yesterday was really nice. I have some photos but I'll upload them later....oh and I've took some of my tattoo ^__^
Been stressing out over my hair. nothing new I guess. I like the blonde but I...
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bad people stealing opening your mail. i guess the mail boxes aren't locked, huh? Do you live in an apartment? Personally I like the blonde, but I also liked the green that I saw on Pete's profile. Generally you're just an all around hot girl, so I'm sure anything you do will look good.
my friend Heidi kept on getting her mail stolen. it really annoyed me 'cause her birthday present was taken too. I really don't anystand why anyone would do that. I mean, I used to send her Ruby Gloom stuff. what would her neighbours want with that?
I like the blonde! I think you'd look sweet with lots of pretty butterfly shiny hairclips. I don't really know what else to suggest 'cause I think you've been every colour of the rainbow at one point or another
I like the blonde! I think you'd look sweet with lots of pretty butterfly shiny hairclips. I don't really know what else to suggest 'cause I think you've been every colour of the rainbow at one point or another

urgh so hot..maybe having a hot bath and cup of tea isn't helping but I *need* my tea damn it!
feeling a bit blah today. My drawing bug has gone

My counselor called to day to book an appointment. I haven't seen...
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Counselors aint good for anybody - they just make you think & focus more on your "problem".
But yeah , i know what ya mean.
Keep smilin!
But yeah , i know what ya mean.
Keep smilin!

nice girl

Yay Pete got me this account. though rather annouyed with SG changing the layout, looks so crap!
argh so hot and Pete is eating the last ice lolly in front of me
I have nothing else to say hum.
argh so hot and Pete is eating the last ice lolly in front of me

I have nothing else to say hum.
I think you should hide his hair gel...
I think you should hide his hair gel...
