Ill be damned... i bet ever one has forgotten bout lil ol me i assume. Not much in the way of change i am afraid. Still utterly hoplessly unmotivated. I did quit drinking thou, been sober for 2 months roughly minus 2 nights.... yea yea. Only quit cause i was getting to drinking to much and felt like a break. Should i ever start back ill at least get buzzed off less. My car still has no tags or insurance.. need a new battery and a few other minor things that i dont feel like doin. Not sure why i am updating this i dont suppose anyone will ever read it again seeing how its beeen dead for so long.
Good or bad things coming up, if i get around to it or remeber ill keep updating for shits and giggles i know my imaginary friends atleast check this thing anyways. (when the good or bad thing happens ill let ya in on what it was)
thats really all i got, not doing to horrible bad. still hate my life and my last entry still pretty much tells ya how i feel. i need a change like i need air to live. slowly becoming nothing it would seem. not that i was every anything persay.. but i was atleast not this close to nothingness...
ooo struck a chord on that one.. reminds me of a song i should go download and listen too.
Blah... yea...
Good or bad things coming up, if i get around to it or remeber ill keep updating for shits and giggles i know my imaginary friends atleast check this thing anyways. (when the good or bad thing happens ill let ya in on what it was)
thats really all i got, not doing to horrible bad. still hate my life and my last entry still pretty much tells ya how i feel. i need a change like i need air to live. slowly becoming nothing it would seem. not that i was every anything persay.. but i was atleast not this close to nothingness...
ooo struck a chord on that one.. reminds me of a song i should go download and listen too.
Blah... yea...
The up-shot of slowly disappearing into nothingness is from there you really can come back as anything you want. Not so for people all stuck in their habits and married to their egos. One day you're gonna look back at all of this and think "man that really fucking sucked." But you'll be looking BACK at least. Take it easy fella.