Dont worry be happy... the landlord said your rent is late.. he may have to lock the gate... dont worry. be happy.
Look at me i am happy!
dont worry be happy
heh i give you my phone number when you worry call me. i make you happy smile
I'm not sure I understand this one, hun. You do know you are generally a bit of a fatalist. Who you trying to cheer up anyway? confused
got to do taxes today frown maybe ill get a good bit back but i doubt it very much...

The Cure... Just like heaven

Show me show me show me!
how you do that trick..
the one that makes me scream she said.
the one that makes me laugh she said..
threw her arms around my neck.
show me how ya do it.. and i promise...
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Thanks bro. The good news is that I won't be fired. The matter is suitably resolved, though, I'm less than enthralled with the way it went down. How can you interact with someone on a daily basis that you can no longer respect? I guess I'll find out.
However simple you want to make your life it never seems to work out... i wish i would one day be so simple to just live. but as it stands now it wont be for a while... lifes short then you die.....
So it would seem what you and I should do is..
dream as if youll live for ever,
and live as if youll...
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Good advice hun. Work like ya don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching. We all know this stuff and yet it seems nobody can pull it off. The simple things are always the most difficult, in trying to make beautiful art or a beautiful life. I miss you.

Time's a bitch. frown
i am tall and i am thin.. of an enviable hieght....
and i have been know to be quite handsome in a certain angle and a certain light..
well i entered into Omalley's
said Omalley i have a thirst.
Omalley merely smiled at me.... said.. "you wouldnt be the first"
i knocked on the bar and pointed to a bottle on the shelf.
as Omalley...
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Gave up on me huh? Couldn't have had worst timing if you tried.
WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP. I guess you can't hear this. Damm.
Make up your mind. decide to walk with me...around the lake tonight around the lake tonight...... by my side!!!
by my side..
i am not goin lie.. ill not be a gentleman.. behind the boat house.
ILL show you my dark secrets!
i am not goin lie! i want you for mine..
my blushin bride.. my lover be me lover YEA!!
dont be afraid..i didint...
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Thank You. My late knight friend. My darling drunken daring dark desperate desire. Be at peace, the end is nearer than you think. That day, that day, that beautiful day when you'll finally, euphorically be on your way. kiss
well most interesting incounter to say the least.. think ill clean tonight. then start drinking once again. hmmm dont know what to say. so ill simply say good bye for now

wiskey and coke !!! fer me!!!

i heard a new word today...
metrosexual or something like that, was told it meant pretty boy. but they made a joke saying it was guys who hadnt found out they are gay yet heh... yea what ever just thought i would share that and see if anyone else has heard it before.
I hate you. Give ME whiskey and coke please.
One day our ships will pass in the moonlight. That will be a good day. kiss
think ill go get my taxes done and buy a camera... maybe do a lil photography to occupie me self some.. i am an artsy bastard anyways and its apealing to me so yea... thats me next purchase !!!! woohoo....... heh
i did a dumb thing today frown Echo sent me a friends request and i accepted but the stupid part was i edited her out...
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i get to skate again soon !! i miss it very much.
hopefully i wont hurt myself to bad smile
things are goin decent... nothing horrible so thats good.
back on days, still not used to it yet but i figure i will after bout a week or so of it...
well yea.. nothing really to say as always. so ill go now
finally got some art for my room !! its a BnW of the rat pack drinking and playing pool ! its great !.. oh and i bought a new skate board deck weeeee go me.. found a place to skate that looks very cool... a bit weird but cool.. its a skate park in a mall.... so odd to me.
hmm bougght a new game...
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Hehe, people always scope me out at public places too. A couple actually ignored me when I asked for the time once. I don't even think I'm that scary... whatever
wonder what this week will bring... i am back to dayshift for awhile so maybe it will be worse. i hate getting up early...
ohwell got to get ready now.

and i now have a map of jersey !..
well seems another day wasted away... gah i hate that sometimes.. things to do that never get done. now i will have to wing it tomorrow... great.

i think ill abstaine from all sex... self or other wise for awhile... need to clear my head. and thats a big distraction right now it seems..... so ya no more for me !

wish me luck
