happy birthday!!!!!!!!! i am a day late b/c i suck... hey i ws wondering if you wanted to hang out soon.. and go out to the strip club... let me know much love trin
Hahaha!! My dad would laugh if I told him that (after I explained to him what a player is, of course...)!! Nah, not really; he just went through a middle-age crisis after he and Mom split up. His wife is manic-depressive and a real prize (hope you can taste the sarcasm there). He did get a son out of the deal, though, so that's good... Hope you had a great birthday!! You Taureans...
time i laughed when someone said i should quit smoking
actually i am gonna cut back and maybe totlly until i get better b/c i seem to be getting worst ...
grandpa is gonna be going out to boston for a triple bypass surgery. he just buried his wife this past saturday. hes hanging in i guess he might be moving in with my uncle down in maryland
No, I don't post at relapse, maybe I will check it out. Anyway. We recorded 2 songs last night in our practice space. We found out after our friend left that when he exported them part of on of the songs got muted, but here is one song. we sound so much better live, and when i recorded my bass i pretty much killed the mic.
(the pic that's currently up was from april 3...the whole server crash thing, hehe -- i'm workin on a new one)