A woman told me today that I wasn't actually "privy to the black experience" because my skin happens to be white. I suppose, that on a certain complexly confusing level, I would be inclined to agree, but I'm not a person that believes that there truly is such a thing as "the" black experience. Yes, there are vast quantities of similarities between the experiences of...
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i'm sorry to hear this.. my best friend has experienced the same kind of thing - but isolated on both sides.
fuck them all dude; you are who are.
Well said, respect is due.
I really dig Ms. Stefani, but Leela James has covered Don't Speak like a mu'fuckin' champ. This song is too damn good. As much as I like the original, I must say that I like this version better. CHU'CH!!
I've never heard of it. The cover or Leela James. Is it radio played???
As similar as our musical tastes appear to be I might have to pick that up!
I feel rather large today.

I've gotta stop hangin' out with such tinyly small people.
Son of a rassafrassin'gotdamnshitassfucksnot! OW!

First, my nail broke off, down to the quick, and then I had to go and get a cardboard cut right underneath the tiny bit of nail that's left. This stings like a bitch and a half. Wholy. . .
I'm plannin' on runnin' a half marathon during Thanksgiving weekend. Only problem is, I've got this damn plantar fasciitis, and running just makes it worse. Training in a pool doesn't do much good in this situation. Hopefully, I can put my athletic trainer skills to use and tape this fucker up, so that the running doesn't hurt it anymore than it already is.

I dropped...
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Oddly enough, I have 100 army points. I know not from whence they came.


Hey! Hexe changed her name. How quaint.
Maybe someone found out you're cool!


I do like your taste in music.
I'm trying, finally, to clean my room.

This is like torture of the highest order...and it's my own fault. I must not like me very much.
good luck with the room. It can be overwhelming.
I have the strangest dreams between snooze button hits.

This morning, I dreamt that I'd gotten out of bed, in my birthday suit, and got on the bus with a comforter wrapped around me. I sit down and some girl starts talkin' to me, I don't remember what we discussed, but she left a bag full of clothes on the bus, so I put some...
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