I thought today would be a good movie day, so I got my watch on.
I'm sittin' there watchin' Kill Bill and I'll be gawd damned if that crazy Bride didn't say entropy again. She's sittin' the back of the Pussy Wagon, and the voice inside the screen, but not the one that matches what her lips are saying - cuz they're saying "wiggle your big toe" - says: ". . .trying to will my lmbs out of entropy. . ." It threw me for a loop the first time I saw the movie, and it still does as I repeat it. I'm not wordsmith, or anything, but entropy does not work there. I've thought that maybe Mr. Tarantino was trying to be metaphorical with it, but it simply doesn't work. Atrophy, of course woulda worked smashingly, but entropy is just all kinds of wrong. It's driven me nuts since the moment I heard it, and it screws with an otherwise splendiferous movie. Dangit.
Why didn't anyone on the editing team notice it? Surely, Mr. Tarantino didn't do all of the editing himself. Wasn't there a script editor who would have caught such a thing? What is the deal with the entropy, dang nabbit? Why does he taunt me like this? I'm not insane, am I? The word is definitely there, but it makes absolutely no sense. I totally don't get it...at all.
Why, Tarantino....whyyyyyy???
I'm sittin' there watchin' Kill Bill and I'll be gawd damned if that crazy Bride didn't say entropy again. She's sittin' the back of the Pussy Wagon, and the voice inside the screen, but not the one that matches what her lips are saying - cuz they're saying "wiggle your big toe" - says: ". . .trying to will my lmbs out of entropy. . ." It threw me for a loop the first time I saw the movie, and it still does as I repeat it. I'm not wordsmith, or anything, but entropy does not work there. I've thought that maybe Mr. Tarantino was trying to be metaphorical with it, but it simply doesn't work. Atrophy, of course woulda worked smashingly, but entropy is just all kinds of wrong. It's driven me nuts since the moment I heard it, and it screws with an otherwise splendiferous movie. Dangit.
Why didn't anyone on the editing team notice it? Surely, Mr. Tarantino didn't do all of the editing himself. Wasn't there a script editor who would have caught such a thing? What is the deal with the entropy, dang nabbit? Why does he taunt me like this? I'm not insane, am I? The word is definitely there, but it makes absolutely no sense. I totally don't get it...at all.
Why, Tarantino....whyyyyyy???