I feel sorry for the girls whose sets were censored because the staff won't stand up for their rights to display them.
I feel sorry for the girls whose sets were censored because the staff won't stand up for their rights to display them.
I feel sorry for the girls whose sets were censored because the staff won't stand up for their rights to display them.
I feel sorry for the girls whose sets were censored because the staff won't stand up for their rights to display them.
I feel sorry for the girls whose sets were censored because the staff won't stand up for their rights to display them.
I feel sorry for the girls whose sets were censored because the staff won't stand up for their rights to display them.
I just sent the money I was gonna pay my credit card bill with to the Red Cross so's they can get more help to those folks down in the Gulf area that haven't eaten or had any water for days.

Sorry credit card company!
I watched on tv tonight how they turned thousands of people away in Houston because there was no room in the dome. Why not tents like they do for people in other countries? At least something!

Ugh. I hope your money can get someone a tent and a sleeping bag.

Thanks for the advice. I will go hunting for Carnation breakfast drinks. I'm on a mission! smile
I sent $50, all I had. I was just thinking to myself how bad I have it here. Then I turned on the TV and saw what was happening and thought ... maybe I don't have it so bad after all.
The shareef don't like it. . .

Rockin' the Casbah
ROCK the Casbah!

A woman told me today that I wasn't actually "privy to the black experience" because my skin happens to be white. I suppose, that on a certain complexly confusing level, I would be inclined to agree, but I'm not a person that believes that there truly is such a thing as "the" black experience. Yes, there are vast quantities of similarities between the experiences of...
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i'm sorry to hear this.. my best friend has experienced the same kind of thing - but isolated on both sides.
fuck them all dude; you are who are.
Well said, respect is due.
I really dig Ms. Stefani, but Leela James has covered Don't Speak like a mu'fuckin' champ. This song is too damn good. As much as I like the original, I must say that I like this version better. CHU'CH!!
I've never heard of it. The cover or Leela James. Is it radio played???
As similar as our musical tastes appear to be I might have to pick that up!
I feel rather large today.

I've gotta stop hangin' out with such tinyly small people.
Son of a rassafrassin'gotdamnshitassfucksnot! OW!

First, my nail broke off, down to the quick, and then I had to go and get a cardboard cut right underneath the tiny bit of nail that's left. This stings like a bitch and a half. Wholy. . .