there it is again. emptiness. i wouldn't necessarily call it an old friend but its been there as long as i can remember. i spent many many years building walls to contain it. at least to not let much hurt. every so often i would chip away at them but not be able to handle it and would quickly go back to fortifying them. let nothing in. occassionally there would be a crack and everything would come flooding out too quickly for me to handle. a few years ago i started tearing at those walls. it was and is and has always been a very painful process. then i found love. i was always called cold hearted. always have been. even by the one i love. what noone understands is that to let one thing free i have to let them all. we found that out the hard way. there are plenty of demons still in me. i don't think they'll ever be gone. i don't necessarily want them to be either. what one person called passion, i called destruction.
If you need to talk and have yahoo messenger let me know sweetie. Try to take care ok because I care about you lots!

I think pogos are known as corn dogs in the USA...not sure