Fall has arrived and the cooler weather makes a perfect combination with the heat given off by the Suicide Girls!
Open blog to all Suicide Girls and the San Diego Comic-con 2013
With San Diego Comic-con coming up, I'm looking for a list of the Suicide Girls that will hopefully be attending! I myself will be there Saturday and Sunday, so even more important to me is who will be there Saturday and who will be there on Sunday.
Thanks and I look forward to...
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With San Diego Comic-con coming up, I'm looking for a list of the Suicide Girls that will hopefully be attending! I myself will be there Saturday and Sunday, so even more important to me is who will be there Saturday and who will be there on Sunday.
Thanks and I look forward to...
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Was looking around the site and came across Venom SG profile. I clicked on over to her profile and saw that she had a few sets done. I must admit that I am glad I came across her profile otherwise I may never have seen her sets. Venom has a way about her that looks beautiful in any setting you put her in. The contrast...
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I'm sure you are all astonished about how well I have been blogging here! lmao! Not sure if its because there are so many beautiful Suicide girls to find or lack of down time.... With Comic-con International coming up here in San Diego soon, I'm looking forward to meeting all of the Suicide girls that will be making an appearance! I'll be there Saturday and...
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As you can tell I'm not much of a blogger but my New Year's Resolution is to do better in 2013!
Just got through review/previewing? Sash's Get Wet shoot done by Sawa. Both girls work so well together that I would love to see another shoot put together by the both of them. Sawa has the right photographic eye, and Sash stands on her own merit. Whether clothed or shedded, her beauty shines through out the shoot! Now off to see some of my other favs...
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New Year and decided to renew my subscription! Plan to be more active on here as possible. Loved those suicidegirls that were at last years San Diego Comic con! Hope to see you again this year as well! Hoping to meet new friends here with like interests for chat, discussion, and fun!
Hope that all have a great end of the year and I got to say that I look forward to the new year 2009! So many unknowns heading my way, but I love having a challenge! It's been fun looking around and getting to know some of the SG's in and around the area and look forward to meeting new ones! When will you be...
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So much thanks for the love in my set sweetheart!

I'm stumped. Usually I'm really good at knowing who most of the girls are. I might be able to tell who she is if she was facing the camera.
Here is another shot of her, maybe this will help?