So how is everyone?
So reasons why ive been away:
- Was my last year at uni so I hate shit loads of work to be finishing.
- Finished all my work and found out I got a 2:2 which im totally happy with
The people who know me will know how much ive struggled and how much a pain it all wasso i'm glad I got through it and got a 2:2 especially as i thought i was gonna get a 3rd.
- Was mine and my boy's 2 year anniversary <3 had a big ol' meat fest at Bodeans. Oh yes!
- been taking lots of instant photos but making the time to scan them in is a pain but i guess its all part of the deal....
- I took my first practical driving test last week wednesday and.....
I'm so happy! la la la la la. haha. leading uto the day I was sooooo worried, even felt sick so so sick before my instructor came and picked me up and my parallel parking was still abit blah. I just managed to nail it in the hour before my test haha. it was weird though as ive never felt that sick in nerves before but as soon as i got behind the wheel it melted away and i wasn't nervous at all.
Went out for cocktails with Sky last Friday. fun times were to be had oh my were they had haha <3
Also I really need to get a job. This whole finishing uni, having to move out (were moving back to my boyfriend parents till we get jobs and have money to move out, they live in Woking which is sucky but the actual bit they live in is quiet) and trying to find a job thing is scary and hard. Kinda dunno where to start to be honest.
Best of luck with the job hunting. I've been there - it's not easy, but you'll do it! THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS ETC