Creamygoodness is such a pimpin' boobie magnet!
me and sinope just cant help ourselves!
i went out for free drinks with my friend from work and my trainee manager and her boyfriend.
i got sooo drunk.
we brought the bar staff brownies from the cake shop so they gave us extra drinks
i got soooo drunk.
our gay friend who works in the cake shop i love came and joined us.
he also got very drunk and i remember me lying on the pavement when we were all outside talking and he humped me.
he seems to have this thing were he insults me, tells me he loves me really, hugs me and will either rub his cock on me or hump me haha.
i love him and he has a sexy french accent and gives me shit loads of free cake so i dont care
he told me i should have his babies. i wonder if hes gay sometimes.
i also remember him dipping a chip in mayo and sticking it in my eye. (he was aiming for my cheek)
an eye full of mayo while drunk is not a good thing. i cried for ages haha.
i also remember me kissing my friend. i knew id end up kissing her at some piont since were such lesbos.
i remember when we left he was teaching us how to pole dance around street lamps. oh how he is sooo good at it.
i think thats how i got a long purple/brown bruise on my arm
he also knows about our work suituation and we ended up walking pass work and on window display is written in those white chalk pens on the outside of the shop window so as our boss is evil we chose to scratch the letters off so when she would see the display in the morning the sentences wouldnt make any sense and were all scratched up hahah! it was soo much fun.
if only i could of seen her face when she saw it this morning.
oh my god! im watching die hard for the first time. bruce willis and alan rickman rawr!
I cant wait to go though