It's so hard to put into word the amazing days i spend in this last shootfest, almost 2 weeks stuffed of amazing human beeings <3
So i think i'll leave you with tons of pics for your entertainment .
The house were amazing, full of light , full of mirrors and sooo big , and the ouside (were we spend most of our free time ) <3!
I had the oportunity to improve my driving (since i only have driving license since nov last year) and i get so addicted that i'll buy a car next month, used , with some years, but it will fit for my travels :)
I shoot 4 sets :
First set with @waikiki, woman of endless energy
Then with @milloux (new woman crush)
And then i changed my hair to black to shoot with my hubbie @darryldarko
And my 4th set with lavezarro (i'm so glad allways to work and spend some time with her). I woke up at 05am to shoot with the sunrise <3 we allways do special sets <3
And i behave like a stalker when my babes were shooting:
i'm glad i got to see some girls i miss and to finally meet the ones i don't <3 girls and boys, i miss you all already so much <3
