So @Missy asked us to do a blog about how SG change my life...
When i saw the site for the first time i found amazing all these pretty girls , not that conventional beauty that jab in our face in any magazine or advertising, but real fun crazy with amazing colerfull hairs and tattos and alternative look girls... somewere when i can fit , as i am ! I loved it and i want to be a part of it .
I became sg in 2008 and at the time the things were a little different, for example in my country not a lot of people heard about suicide girls... But few years later i apear in magazines , for example in MAXMEN (pic below)... And after that thing became to evolute, and i started to work more as a professional model and in other areas ...
Performing on the stage for the Portuguese band Bizarra locomotiva was on of them...
Growing on Sg made me traveling more, which is one of my favorite things to do, i'v been in UK 2 times and In LA <3
But the best thing for me, the best gift that suicide girls give me was FRIENDS ! Real girl friends that i'm so blessed to have <3
I'm so lame but i can't imagine my life without this girls and many more <3 @aeterna @gossip @caia @plu
Sg really change my life for the best <3