I am so glad that i became a Suicide Girl !
Because of suicidegirls.com i had amazing life experiences, and i met the most fuckin' awsome people !
Even if your not a Suicide girl, but just a member, this is just win !
I cannot imagine without it. If i never cross in this. . .
The friends i'll not have , the lovers , the crushes , the partys. . . It's huge !
And soooooo good for self-esteem .
Because of suicidegirls.com i had amazing life experiences, and i met the most fuckin' awsome people !
Even if your not a Suicide girl, but just a member, this is just win !
I cannot imagine without it. If i never cross in this. . .
The friends i'll not have , the lovers , the crushes , the partys. . . It's huge !
And soooooo good for self-esteem .
Now i'm gonna leave you with some pictures of girls that i think that deserve to be in front page as well .
Caia ,
One of better things that i got after being a SG , have 2 sets in MR full of sexiness:
Taste of Eternity
For you
The Gossip girl , such a girl ful of claws ! grrau
In Un certain sourire
And my big crush Porphyria in SPF 5000
Super strong sunblocker, cuz she's milky-white toned skin.
Totally cute !
Ho , and BTW , i'v got 1 set in MR too :
Bad Romance
And another one in Front Page in 20th Dec. , Nothing's Sacred
Just finished my tea , now it's bed time .
Love you all