Sleeping better, but with strange strrange dreams. I just can't get it. . .
I dream a lot that some one is trying to kill me, or that i'm falling in an elevator (wake up before i hit the floor), that my teeths are falling, or have kind of erotic dreams with people that i don't have a conection or feel atractive or even with people that i don't know . . . XD Funny, hun ? (I think lack of sex can damage your brain - REALY ! Now i'm afraid !)
Don't want to start with this theme -sex- or else someone will need to take me down (put me to sleep. . .) .
I just fucking love custumes !
This year i don't have time to be original . But it's a day to be diferent, so, cuz i wear black all year, i think i'll dress-to-kill in white

Angel !
Will be at Bairro Alto - lot's of streets, lot's of bars- cuz they will offer some shots for the people with costumes. . . XD
And then
Metropolis Club for the greatest time...
I just realise i spend most of my free time in that place !!!
Like a few weks ago, 30 hours i stayed there ! Started in a regular saturday, and then the after party until monday morning XD Great times. . .
Will post some pics of 31 Octuber later !
Travels :
Will be , again, in France From 30 November, till 4 December !
Lyon, Nantes , Marselhe. . . bla bla bla. . . Taste some french errr fresh things. . . :XD
Giulia will be again in Portugal !!!!!! Hell Yeah !
I realy want to met her (and similar words to porco dio) *happy*a lot*realy*
Take a Lot on
Giulia new set
Reservoir dogs
Now the less happy part of the blog. . .
I send a set to Staff Review, and the say that the set it's not good enough, but i could send it anyway for member review. Well it's true, is not as good as the two last ones..
But i need to thing if i'll take the chance or not...
Here's a teaser:

Or maybe i just ned to learn with the fall and do a better one !