Two weeks till the day that the new Every Time I Die album drops and I'm super excited. Especially since they are rolling into Vegas on the 20th. I can't wait.
So I graduate in less than two months. It's getting real as shit now. I'm doing some consulting right now for work and making connections. I have an awesome opportunity to move to Vegas with my two best friends in the world, live the dream, open up a bar and have crazy fun.
I can work my connections around these parts and lock down... Read More
I'm finally home for the summer.
20 hours after my last final i had to go into work.
Not only that, but my first two nights of work were a 15 hour night and a 16 hour night.
If this is at all indicative of how the summer is going to go...
shoot me now.
Good news is that i got a two dollar raise... Read More
So i've been feeling like poop off and on lately.
went to the doctors.
and they say i have Lyme Disease.... awesome.
the medication make me sicker than i already felt.
fuck ticks in their tiny assholes!
sorry for the delay in getting pictures up. i've got some ink appointments coming up too, so i'll just wait till i have all my work done to take pictures because i'm lazy as hell since it's spring break. speaking of spring break... totally the holiday of all holidays on Monday... i don't care what the Pope says, St. Patrick's day has always been on... Read More