I saw a sticker on one of my nieghbors cars.. a link really:


Seems like a really dope project. Apparently it's an experiement and we're all part of it..I missed the memo, but though I'd pass this along none the less.

I hope it's not the guy/gal who called the cops on me, and filed a formal noise complaint last week at our official...
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Todays Penny arcade.. made me laugh so hard I cried... just a little bit.....

so for the past 8+ hours....
I read cover to cover, Anansi boys by the master him self,
Neil gaiman.

Running on nothing but the over enduldgence of redbull at the club (8 of them before the closed down at 2), and a cocktail of silk, golden grams, and then good ole fashioned milk....

Hot damn.

I've not read brilliance such as this.. well, since...
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the sandman series is the best of the graphic novel business, outside of the dark night stuff. gaiman's a rare talent, for sure.

music you should know about:

One chill: http://www.lalipuna.de/flash/index.html

One not : http://www.sagefrancis.net

I finally have all of my things in one place

fuck moving


Did I mention I hate moving.

However, I've made it to austin. Now I just need all of my belongings and place to put them.

I'm packing for austin.

Fuck, it still hasn't clicked.. I'm leaving dallas. For good(ish).



ahhhh SHIT

Monday should be (pending background check and some paper work) my first day back in the workforce.


Oddly enough, this propels my "5 year plan" ahead. But what pray tell is this plan of yours, you may ask?

Well, I'll tell you.

To get my ass living and functioning (this is a big part of it) in Austin, tx.

Welp, starting monday...
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