Sometime I read other journals on here and I think to myself 'why would you tell that to an internet of complete strangers?' I feel uncomfortable enough sharing with you what i actually did, let alone how i felt. Most of my journals are cryptic injokes aimed at very few people, or more than likely, myself.
However, following a weekend of epiphanies and therapeutic ramblings, i came to realise that i'm doing a lot of things the wrong way. A LOT of things. And seeing as what i'm doing right now really isn't working for me , i'm going to start making some changes.
Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, you'll see where i'm going with this.
I realised this weekend that, as Bob Hoskins told us all those years ago, it's good to talk. and since you, the nameless, faceless entity that is the internet (and also, all of you people that live in the internet) are here, reading this, you may as well listen.
So, from now on, rather than writing inane quotes or quasi-meaningful statements lifted from the pages of Chuck Palahnuik novels, i'm going to tell you all about me.
Not secrets, because if you deserved to know them i'd have already told you. Not anecdotes or stories, but just about me, and what i'm like. Things you could probably pick up from meeting me, without having to leave your comfy chair.
Everyone needs a captive audience, right?
Wanky self indulgent journal going live in
However, following a weekend of epiphanies and therapeutic ramblings, i came to realise that i'm doing a lot of things the wrong way. A LOT of things. And seeing as what i'm doing right now really isn't working for me , i'm going to start making some changes.
Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, you'll see where i'm going with this.
I realised this weekend that, as Bob Hoskins told us all those years ago, it's good to talk. and since you, the nameless, faceless entity that is the internet (and also, all of you people that live in the internet) are here, reading this, you may as well listen.
So, from now on, rather than writing inane quotes or quasi-meaningful statements lifted from the pages of Chuck Palahnuik novels, i'm going to tell you all about me.
Not secrets, because if you deserved to know them i'd have already told you. Not anecdotes or stories, but just about me, and what i'm like. Things you could probably pick up from meeting me, without having to leave your comfy chair.
Everyone needs a captive audience, right?
Wanky self indulgent journal going live in
Seriously though, when things are cryptic it probably represents a part of you that's holding back, and doesn't want to tell people your thoughts, but you have NOTHING to be afraid of, or ashamed of, you're honest, brave and incredibly fun to be with, onwards and upwards baby. xxx