SO I have only just recovered from an amazing weekend away with a lot of fine SGUK folk...
I can't be bothered to go into too much detail but on Friday night, there was karaoke
followed by lots of Goldschlager...
Saturday night there was Bowie
followed by lots of Tia Maria, followed by lots of rum, followed by lots of...well, everything
Sunday morning there was THE LEAGUE OF JUSTICE!
followed by lots of sambuca, and the realization that I did infact have my camera with me. Thus, I actually remember all of it, as I have photographic evidence! Ah, being drunk in Wetherspoons on Sunday afternoons...
Mmmmm...Powerless to resist the Old Spice
Kristoph's chin hairs
Different angle of the above
Me losing a hand
Multi-coloured sambuca crew
The League of Justice, performing it's main duty (drink the sambuca)
All this led to a song (yr just too good to be true...) in the air and a growing stack of empty glasses
All in all, a good time was had by all!
also, I'd love to come visit you sometime?
ok I sound like I got a crush now. old news eh