started to freak out about the tour... we are planing on leaving sunday... But we still dont have any merch... planing on ordering the blank tshirts online today and burn the screens for the designs. if I order the stickers, and buttons today I know I will have those in time. and as for the cds go well Im planing on burning them myself and then for the cover I want to do a laquer thinner transfer on them.
I still dont think I will have enough time.
fuck fuck fuck
I still dont think I will have enough time.
fuck fuck fuck
I know I know... what were we thinking...
I dont know... I mean we have the car, the band members, the instruments, and the guts? (would that be the word) to do it.
We only booked 4 shows so far... but we were planing on playin on side walks and open mics on the road.
plus I havent been to florida in 2 years... and I kind of want to go visit all my old friends from there.
so yeah... I really hope it will happen
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