So yesterday was wicked cool at fangoria I got to see hottie james duvall aka frank from donnie darko. . . .

and sid. . .

The only lame thing was that they said we could take take pics of them but not with them
So then me and my man realized there was also an adult expo going on next door. . . .so we ventured. . .
and I got spanked (hard) by anastasia pierce

It was awsome! and I got to keep the "weapon"

and sid. . .

The only lame thing was that they said we could take take pics of them but not with them

So then me and my man realized there was also an adult expo going on next door. . . .so we ventured. . .
and I got spanked (hard) by anastasia pierce

It was awsome! and I got to keep the "weapon"

thank you for your sweet birthday wishes lady