Running myself ragged.
Totally fucking ragged, yeah I'd say working 75 hours in 6 days would make a normal person into a zombie pretty well, wouldn't you?
6 days in that god damn cleanroom.
And now 2 days off, and then I go back. Next week is going to be lighter. 36 hours in 3 days, or maybe 50 in 4 if I decide to do more overtime. Which is unimaginable right now. All I want to do is crawl into bed and turn to stone.
No narrative for this update, just a refreshing drift through the vistas of miscellany.
I got out to see Serenity tonight. And you know what? It was fucking awesome. There, I said it. I never really saw Buffy, and I totally missed Firefly, but coming into this with no real prior knowledge about the guy's past work I can tell you I was quite impressed.
Anything else? No! I've just been god damn working! I have soooooo much to do though. There is something they're pushing me toward, but nobody wants to tell me what that thing is exactly. We just got a new process engineer on staff, so I don't think I'm headed that way, and I'm a bit underqualified for design. But they have big plans for me, I think. All the senior techs made sideways references to the fact that everyone else they hired has previous experience where I have none. And add to that the fact that I'm supposed to go to Level 2 process by the first of the year.....let's see, I got hired August 15th, and didn't really enter the fab until this month, so say 3 months until my level 2 goal. 3 months to accomplish something the more experienced techs are given a year for. This is more than fast-tracking.
So yeah, probably more overtime next week.
And maybe I'll go buy some more video games tomorrow that I won't have the time to play. That sounds like fun doesn't it? I'm amazed that I have money for such frivolities after having my transmission totally rebuilt and having to replace my exhaust system in the span of 2 weeks.
So. Tired.
Totally fucking ragged, yeah I'd say working 75 hours in 6 days would make a normal person into a zombie pretty well, wouldn't you?
6 days in that god damn cleanroom.
And now 2 days off, and then I go back. Next week is going to be lighter. 36 hours in 3 days, or maybe 50 in 4 if I decide to do more overtime. Which is unimaginable right now. All I want to do is crawl into bed and turn to stone.
No narrative for this update, just a refreshing drift through the vistas of miscellany.
I got out to see Serenity tonight. And you know what? It was fucking awesome. There, I said it. I never really saw Buffy, and I totally missed Firefly, but coming into this with no real prior knowledge about the guy's past work I can tell you I was quite impressed.
Anything else? No! I've just been god damn working! I have soooooo much to do though. There is something they're pushing me toward, but nobody wants to tell me what that thing is exactly. We just got a new process engineer on staff, so I don't think I'm headed that way, and I'm a bit underqualified for design. But they have big plans for me, I think. All the senior techs made sideways references to the fact that everyone else they hired has previous experience where I have none. And add to that the fact that I'm supposed to go to Level 2 process by the first of the year.....let's see, I got hired August 15th, and didn't really enter the fab until this month, so say 3 months until my level 2 goal. 3 months to accomplish something the more experienced techs are given a year for. This is more than fast-tracking.
So yeah, probably more overtime next week.
And maybe I'll go buy some more video games tomorrow that I won't have the time to play. That sounds like fun doesn't it? I'm amazed that I have money for such frivolities after having my transmission totally rebuilt and having to replace my exhaust system in the span of 2 weeks.
So. Tired.
Like the new handle... very disasterously magnetic.
To explain my absence: Needed complete quarintine from one of the SG's for a bit... looooooong story that no one wants to hear. But, now she's off ze' radar, and I've gotten my emotional shit together enough to at least finish out an active profile in this site.
Anyway: might I suggest 'Evil Dead: Regeneration' as a good complete waste of time... rent, don't buy. Currently the best representation of Ash-tasticness in video game form.
Don't kill yourself over promotion, and have a good one mang.