If whoever made CoolWWWSearch spyware (aka the proprieter of "Malkosoft") is a member of this site, I have a message for you.
If I ever see you on the street, I will stab you in the fucking face. And then I'll wait for the cops and when they say "What happened here?" I'll say "I stabbed that wretched goat-fucker that made CoolWWWSearch with this knife right here, and god damn if it wasn't the greatest experience of my life."
I should be kidding.
But I'm fucking not. Comprende?
now in response to your comment...
thats cool man, heh, just goes to show what franchises we favor, I was thinking, "sounds like something from Resident Evil" as you were describign that. I hope some more computer stuff happens for you soon, I know you dig that stuff and sounds liek youll be less creeped out by it. I dunno, I hate to beat a dead horse, but youre working and thats a good thing you know? Even if its mind numbing and crappy, its better to have it than not am I right? Anyway, keep frosty and remember, short controlled bursts, unless those fuckers are in the ceiling, then let loose with the Grenade launcher!
OH! I almost forgot, Im getting a new computer, not as top of the line as 'the terror', but way hotter than Bill-Dell-Ium here. And its gunna have LED lights and a clear side, I used to think that shit was so lame, now i look at it and get all giggly and excited, its horrible. They have cases that look like fuckign anime robot heads, I should hate it, but i look at them and go "Wow! I want that!" Whats wrong with me?
Oh, and Minish Cap is the bomb aint it? I keep gettign stuck, but i love it. Hows the sims for GBA? I got the Urbs and its kinda cool but not great doesnt grab me much, itsd better for PS2 btu i wish they just had a PC version. Metal Slug was so awsome, I havent played it in forever, its too hard! HAHA! I got an SP for myself for my BDay so Ive been rocking the GBA a bit more anyway myself.
[Edited on Apr 10, 2005 12:56AM]