Just inside the main room was the door. I could see an overwelming brightness coming from the space under it. I was focused so intently on that light that I didn't even realize I had opened the door. Inside the room now, I can see the rocking chair in the middle of the empty floor. The chair slowly rocking forward and back, forward and back. I try so hard to move, to run but can't. The light behind the chair is so bright now. Everything looks grainy like an old photograph. I feel it before it happens. I am picked up and thrown across the floor, hard. I slide into the wall and grunt but I still can't move to get up. My back is slashed open so badly that my shirt has come clean off. I can't quite see my attacker but the light is all around me and it's burning and cutting at my skin. I hear the horriffic squeels from within the light as it swallows me.
thats cool.
im still getting them on the back of my legs.
in other news, if you had the chance would you make the sweet sweet love to bret easton ellis?