I've been to hell I spell it...
I spell it DMV...
Anyone who's been there...
Knows precisely what I mean...
I've stood in line and waited...
For an hour and fifteen...
And if I had my druthers...
I'll screw a chimpanze...
Call it pointless...
Why are all State and Government offices and rules and fees and and and anssansdn...........JUST SO FUCKED UP!!!
I spell it DMV...
Anyone who's been there...
Knows precisely what I mean...
I've stood in line and waited...
For an hour and fifteen...
And if I had my druthers...
I'll screw a chimpanze...
Call it pointless...
Why are all State and Government offices and rules and fees and and and anssansdn...........JUST SO FUCKED UP!!!

do you really work for modern drunkard mag? if you do, then i'm sure you've heard of the grey kangaroo......