I'm leaving IRAQ...SOON!!!
Due to gripes, bitches, moans and complaints by national guardsmen and thier families:
Tours are 400 days
The mob process (ours was four months) counts as part of tour
The demob process (about 3-7 days) also counts as part of tour
Terminal leave after demob counts as part of tour
tour cannot exceed the time allotted, MUST go home early
The unit I came over here with went home after eight months in the desert
I extended to get more money and more chances to play "the game"
My 93 day "extension" was dated two weeks before I left on the leave we were all rewarded with for being "so hooah"
The end of my orders, minus my leave that I have to take terminal or sell at a loss, minus estimated demob time, equals...
NO LATER than 20 JUNE 2008!
I'm getting the FUCK out of EYE-RACK.
Due to gripes, bitches, moans and complaints by national guardsmen and thier families:
Tours are 400 days
The mob process (ours was four months) counts as part of tour
The demob process (about 3-7 days) also counts as part of tour
Terminal leave after demob counts as part of tour
tour cannot exceed the time allotted, MUST go home early
The unit I came over here with went home after eight months in the desert
I extended to get more money and more chances to play "the game"
My 93 day "extension" was dated two weeks before I left on the leave we were all rewarded with for being "so hooah"
The end of my orders, minus my leave that I have to take terminal or sell at a loss, minus estimated demob time, equals...
NO LATER than 20 JUNE 2008!
I'm getting the FUCK out of EYE-RACK.