OMG it's pirate cupcakes!
The party was an absolute blast. Of course, the next morning I woke up in fear of what I may or may not have done-- have you ever had one of those mornings where you get up and immediately turn on the news, and watch in mounting horror--"Riot in Seattle? Did I have something to do with that?"
The next morning was definitely one of those mornings.
But you really don't care about that, right? You just want to hear me making a fool of myself? ok, ok, here you go.
Now that you've finished laughing, I ask you: If you could trade one body part with anyone you know, what would it be, and with whom would you trade?

The party was an absolute blast. Of course, the next morning I woke up in fear of what I may or may not have done-- have you ever had one of those mornings where you get up and immediately turn on the news, and watch in mounting horror--"Riot in Seattle? Did I have something to do with that?"
The next morning was definitely one of those mornings.
But you really don't care about that, right? You just want to hear me making a fool of myself? ok, ok, here you go.
Now that you've finished laughing, I ask you: If you could trade one body part with anyone you know, what would it be, and with whom would you trade?
You know, as far as body parts, I kinda think I'd like to be tall, like Uma Thurman or Angelina Jolie. I don't mind being round & curvy, but maybe it would make more sense if I were TALL, for once (instead of 5'2"). And if that won't work, I'll jsut take Uma & Angelina on whole wheat TO GO, please.
Can you believe Jhoneil is leaving the site