Proof that Karma exists
onto another subject...
I finally got around to editing my photos from Burning Man, and one picture just leaves me breathless. On the last night of Burning Man, the Temple of Dreams is lit on fire. It's a very somber experience, as opposed to the raucous party that ensued the night before when the man itself burned to the ground.
Instead, the Temple of Dreams is dedicated to the hopes, dreams, and memories of everyone on the playa - to acknowledge where we came from - and where we are going. The temple is huge and beautiful - it's about the size of two large houses.
Walking through this area during the day was mind blowing - the temple is filled with written messages from people, - on the walls, on blocks of wood - saying goodbye to their loved ones, remembering special moments, even writing down negative thoughts - it's different for each person that visits. It's immensely powerful though because all these messages will be burned to the ground - kinda like letting go to those feelings, and allowing yourself to move on.
I sat there for about an hour one day - I cried, I watched people, and I wrote letters on blocks of wood to many that I held closest to my heart. I wrote about 5 letters, but 2 stood out as most important.
One was an apology to my parents - they love me so much, and they just want the best for me. These past years I have distanced myself from them, mainly because they don't know what I do for a living and I try to shelter them from the possibility of knowing what I've done. If they saw the scars on me... how they are everywhere.... it was just easier to maintain the illusion that I created than try to share my pain with them. The letter I wrote was an apology to them, saying that I loved them, that I needed help, but I just didn't know how to ask, and that this year I would try to become their daughter again.
In the second letter, I said goodbye to Cyd, and the life I had been devoted to for the past 3.5 years. It was a hard letter to write, it asked a lot of questions, but it communicated that I knew I couldn't control other people, that ultimately life is just based on hope, and sometimes you don't always win. I wrote goodbye to him, I thanked him for the good times we did have before it all fell apart, and that I couldn't give any more energy as what was once a beautiful thing was slowly killing me.
These blocks of wood I left at the Temple, and the next night I watched it all burn to the ground. Unlike the Man burn, this burn was completely silent, save for the crackle of the fire, and an occasional sniff from someone - everyone's eyes were filled with tears. This was my moment. This was my catharsis.
onto another subject...
I finally got around to editing my photos from Burning Man, and one picture just leaves me breathless. On the last night of Burning Man, the Temple of Dreams is lit on fire. It's a very somber experience, as opposed to the raucous party that ensued the night before when the man itself burned to the ground.
Instead, the Temple of Dreams is dedicated to the hopes, dreams, and memories of everyone on the playa - to acknowledge where we came from - and where we are going. The temple is huge and beautiful - it's about the size of two large houses.
Walking through this area during the day was mind blowing - the temple is filled with written messages from people, - on the walls, on blocks of wood - saying goodbye to their loved ones, remembering special moments, even writing down negative thoughts - it's different for each person that visits. It's immensely powerful though because all these messages will be burned to the ground - kinda like letting go to those feelings, and allowing yourself to move on.
I sat there for about an hour one day - I cried, I watched people, and I wrote letters on blocks of wood to many that I held closest to my heart. I wrote about 5 letters, but 2 stood out as most important.
One was an apology to my parents - they love me so much, and they just want the best for me. These past years I have distanced myself from them, mainly because they don't know what I do for a living and I try to shelter them from the possibility of knowing what I've done. If they saw the scars on me... how they are everywhere.... it was just easier to maintain the illusion that I created than try to share my pain with them. The letter I wrote was an apology to them, saying that I loved them, that I needed help, but I just didn't know how to ask, and that this year I would try to become their daughter again.
In the second letter, I said goodbye to Cyd, and the life I had been devoted to for the past 3.5 years. It was a hard letter to write, it asked a lot of questions, but it communicated that I knew I couldn't control other people, that ultimately life is just based on hope, and sometimes you don't always win. I wrote goodbye to him, I thanked him for the good times we did have before it all fell apart, and that I couldn't give any more energy as what was once a beautiful thing was slowly killing me.
These blocks of wood I left at the Temple, and the next night I watched it all burn to the ground. Unlike the Man burn, this burn was completely silent, save for the crackle of the fire, and an occasional sniff from someone - everyone's eyes were filled with tears. This was my moment. This was my catharsis.

That is a very beautiful picture and a heart moving message. good luck and talk to you later Thepet
That's a beautiful photo... I'm glad that you wrote those letters and you feel good about doing it.