depressing text time....
i keep thinking that this last year has been some terrible test for me, and maybe on a good day i'm getting a passing grade.
i miss my friends, i miss philadelphia. my friends are my family and to have moved from them was the hardest thing i have ever done. it brings a lump to my throat every time i think of them - to have left them - and i love them all so much. they were my heart, and my home.
i try to not look back - i try to live for today, and today in general has brought lots of adventures, but at the end of the day, today is not where i want to be. and tomorrow doesn't look good either. jet-set living only takes you so far, until you realize that you're burning at both ends, and there is nothing that you can call home. i'm at a point where it would be easiest if i could just turn off the emotions, and watch time go by - it would be a lot easier that way. if only i could.
i'm sure i'll pick myself up, brush myself off, and get moving again, but right now i just want someone to hold onto, a hand to hold, or just unspoken company, watching a show, enjoying the silent comfort of each other's presence.
anyhow, to my friends, my adopted family - i miss you. i miss you a lot. and i think about you every day.
i keep thinking that this last year has been some terrible test for me, and maybe on a good day i'm getting a passing grade.
i miss my friends, i miss philadelphia. my friends are my family and to have moved from them was the hardest thing i have ever done. it brings a lump to my throat every time i think of them - to have left them - and i love them all so much. they were my heart, and my home.
i try to not look back - i try to live for today, and today in general has brought lots of adventures, but at the end of the day, today is not where i want to be. and tomorrow doesn't look good either. jet-set living only takes you so far, until you realize that you're burning at both ends, and there is nothing that you can call home. i'm at a point where it would be easiest if i could just turn off the emotions, and watch time go by - it would be a lot easier that way. if only i could.
i'm sure i'll pick myself up, brush myself off, and get moving again, but right now i just want someone to hold onto, a hand to hold, or just unspoken company, watching a show, enjoying the silent comfort of each other's presence.
anyhow, to my friends, my adopted family - i miss you. i miss you a lot. and i think about you every day.
Are you still knitting? I tell people the knitting story you told me all the time. Everyone thinks its pretty punk rock of a girl to be knitting at an S&M photoshoot!