i could be in nyc right now getting tattooed by ymonster, hanging out with fellow pervs and everything left of center.
but no dice. instead, i'm in the middle of nowhere upstate new york, shooting at our farm location. it's fun for the first day, but then you realize that you're stuck in this small house with crazy pornographers and the weather is too nasty out to shoot. instead, everyone argues with each other, buries their heads in editing/programming/whatever, rearranges the dildo/leather straps/synthetic rope/natural rope/gags/etc boxes for 34529th time, or hides upstairs eating Halls cough drops like it's crack (my pastime of late, i don't even have a cough, i just like the minty ahhh that fills my sinuses ... i'm on my 2nd pack of Halls today).
That, or it's go to the diner in town. the only place to eat. every day, two times a day. now that's an experience. especially when the town consists of only a couple hundred people who are all somehow distantly related to each other. scares the begeebus out of me. Come to think of it.... us 6-10 people dressed all in black, covered in tattoos and whatnot, invading their diner twice a day... we probably scare the begeebus out of them.
the only fun is that down the road there is this rooster with a territorial attitude - it likes to chase people and puff up thinking he's the shit. yesterday he chased Claire Adams and me all the way back to our house, and stood on our porch cockadoodle-dooing until our boss told us to herd him back to his rooster hut because he was annoying all the workers. can you picture me herding an angry old rooster back up the street? yup, i did - with a BIG stick. that rooster might have won that battle, but he isn't going to win this war. and next time... i'm getting pictures.
either way, this rural world is driving me insane. and we aren't allowed to drink here. guess i'll go pop more Halls.
but no dice. instead, i'm in the middle of nowhere upstate new york, shooting at our farm location. it's fun for the first day, but then you realize that you're stuck in this small house with crazy pornographers and the weather is too nasty out to shoot. instead, everyone argues with each other, buries their heads in editing/programming/whatever, rearranges the dildo/leather straps/synthetic rope/natural rope/gags/etc boxes for 34529th time, or hides upstairs eating Halls cough drops like it's crack (my pastime of late, i don't even have a cough, i just like the minty ahhh that fills my sinuses ... i'm on my 2nd pack of Halls today).
That, or it's go to the diner in town. the only place to eat. every day, two times a day. now that's an experience. especially when the town consists of only a couple hundred people who are all somehow distantly related to each other. scares the begeebus out of me. Come to think of it.... us 6-10 people dressed all in black, covered in tattoos and whatnot, invading their diner twice a day... we probably scare the begeebus out of them.
the only fun is that down the road there is this rooster with a territorial attitude - it likes to chase people and puff up thinking he's the shit. yesterday he chased Claire Adams and me all the way back to our house, and stood on our porch cockadoodle-dooing until our boss told us to herd him back to his rooster hut because he was annoying all the workers. can you picture me herding an angry old rooster back up the street? yup, i did - with a BIG stick. that rooster might have won that battle, but he isn't going to win this war. and next time... i'm getting pictures.
either way, this rural world is driving me insane. and we aren't allowed to drink here. guess i'll go pop more Halls.
It leaves me thinking if only the system in my car could thump like that bible does!
BTW, what name do you go by on insex, I know I have seen your pics on there, but I'll be damned if I can remember where as I found them.