begin frenzy......
Next week it's off to NYC to shoot another feed then down to Key West for some seriously deserved days of rest, then back to California to throw another party for my sister, attend her wedding (i'm the maid of honor and will be distributing the xanax as needed), only to be thanked shortly thereafter by having to pet-sit everyone's animals (6 total, including a 150 pound dog that wont stop barking, and 4 cats that never met each other) at my parent's house in the middle of nowhere for a week while everyone else goes on either honeymoon or "thank god that's over!" vacation.... then it's back over to NYC for more shoots for a week, and if all goes well, then moving to SF.
All before April.
(edited to add: ok i'm coming to terms with this - i'm homesick. i miss philly. a lot.
Next week it's off to NYC to shoot another feed then down to Key West for some seriously deserved days of rest, then back to California to throw another party for my sister, attend her wedding (i'm the maid of honor and will be distributing the xanax as needed), only to be thanked shortly thereafter by having to pet-sit everyone's animals (6 total, including a 150 pound dog that wont stop barking, and 4 cats that never met each other) at my parent's house in the middle of nowhere for a week while everyone else goes on either honeymoon or "thank god that's over!" vacation.... then it's back over to NYC for more shoots for a week, and if all goes well, then moving to SF.
All before April.

(edited to add: ok i'm coming to terms with this - i'm homesick. i miss philly. a lot.

and i like your new profile pic as well.