what a weekend Troubley and I had!
Had a blast and am still reeling from the sleep deprivation and jet lag, but the last week in seattle was just damn peachy.
Met Ivy and herSadistic_Bastard only to realize that my time visiting with them was waaaaaay too short! What great people!
Got saved at the airport by our Utilikilt friends, then was hosted by the lovely Amadio for some troublemaking fun with our new friends from Bound N Determined. Got to wrestle in the mud with Troubley, get abducted by my buddy Sgt. Major from Bondage Barrix, and ended the event with a swing up in the trees skillfully tied by Amadio.
But the best memory goes to sweet little Buscuit, for letting Troubley and me give her a new hairdo. She looks good with a mane and a mohawk, dontcha think??

Had a blast and am still reeling from the sleep deprivation and jet lag, but the last week in seattle was just damn peachy.
Met Ivy and herSadistic_Bastard only to realize that my time visiting with them was waaaaaay too short! What great people!
Got saved at the airport by our Utilikilt friends, then was hosted by the lovely Amadio for some troublemaking fun with our new friends from Bound N Determined. Got to wrestle in the mud with Troubley, get abducted by my buddy Sgt. Major from Bondage Barrix, and ended the event with a swing up in the trees skillfully tied by Amadio.
But the best memory goes to sweet little Buscuit, for letting Troubley and me give her a new hairdo. She looks good with a mane and a mohawk, dontcha think??

So are you moving to SF?
I will be moving to the Hartford area around the first of the year.