My basement smells like poop. literally.
My basement filled with sewer water on Thursday - end to end - about an inch deep - flooding all that is my bedroom, and all that is Helios Project business headquarters. And its all been touched by poopwater. eww.
Four days later, and I'm still waiting for the landlord to bring by the plumber to fix it. boo, bad landlord.
The house is starting to fill with the acrid smell of rotting garbage (i.e. shit). I'm not a happy camper.
My basement filled with sewer water on Thursday - end to end - about an inch deep - flooding all that is my bedroom, and all that is Helios Project business headquarters. And its all been touched by poopwater. eww.
Four days later, and I'm still waiting for the landlord to bring by the plumber to fix it. boo, bad landlord.
The house is starting to fill with the acrid smell of rotting garbage (i.e. shit). I'm not a happy camper.

1225 Longford Rd.
Phoenixville, Pa 19460
June 26th, 2004
3pm - Whenever
Live Music: The Cut Offs, Mobedda, Internet Sex Ring, and Notch 45
$5 donation gets you all the food and beer you can drink. Must be 21 to drink.
Food and bands start promptly at 4pm.
It's gonna be huge. Bring some friends. If you're interested, just ask me for directions, though I'm pretty sure Liz and Todd are going, so you could just ask them.