Sorry I havent been around lately - I've been running around like a Chicken with its head cut off
BondCon is this weekend - Cyd and I will be there vending our rope - I'm excited but we've been working like crazy getting everything together - and we're both battling the flu so everything seems twice as difficult right now.
There's going to be an SGPhilly party at my house next Saturday - I am so excited but I havent even had a chance to think about it yet - anyone that wants to come let me know and I'll give you the details
I'll be celebrating my newfound unemployment, so if for nothing less join me as I give the corporate world the finger
OK back to finishing my to-do list that Cyd left for me - lol I love him - one of the things on the list for me to do is "masturbate vigorously while fantasizing about me spanking your ass" - too bad it's between "set up le cat shitter" and "return movies" - it somehow loses its meaning that way....

BondCon is this weekend - Cyd and I will be there vending our rope - I'm excited but we've been working like crazy getting everything together - and we're both battling the flu so everything seems twice as difficult right now.
There's going to be an SGPhilly party at my house next Saturday - I am so excited but I havent even had a chance to think about it yet - anyone that wants to come let me know and I'll give you the details

OK back to finishing my to-do list that Cyd left for me - lol I love him - one of the things on the list for me to do is "masturbate vigorously while fantasizing about me spanking your ass" - too bad it's between "set up le cat shitter" and "return movies" - it somehow loses its meaning that way....


Can i ask you about dreadlocks since you're local? Do you have someone do them professionally? What is that about? I'm considering it and don't know anything (aside from the fact that my hair is practically dreading on its own). Thanks.

Maybe you should consider asking him to make separate lists...somehow the words "set up le cat shitter" pretty much ruin any masterbatory fantasies for me.