I made a mixed cd of the songs thats on the suicide girls dvd. i had about half the music in my library as it was and i figured i may as well set out to get the rest. Anyway, as you might have guessed theres more than one CD worth of music, but the great part about that is its easy to leave out the songs you don't like. It's in no particular order aside what i thought went well one song into the next. anyway, if you want a copy gimmie a holler. Or shit, if i know you (only three people i know would be reading this and i know them...i would say very well) let me know and i can make whatever else for you.
This post was brought to you by me having nothing to do right now, not posting here in a while, and not nowing what else related to SG i could post.
i'm shovin off maties.
This post was brought to you by me having nothing to do right now, not posting here in a while, and not nowing what else related to SG i could post.
i'm shovin off maties.