totally missed the Suicide Girls show on the g4 channel. The banner i saw today said it was last saturday. Yea, thanks a lot (who's ever in charge of banner ads). I was too busy saturday to watch tv. Come to think of it, i hardly saw a television on this weekend. But yea, i checked around the g4 site and there's nothing in the line of when the SG show will be back on, alls i know is that it's on the show 'icons'. I used to watch that channel back when it was 'tech tv' back when they had actual shows on and weren't just another spike channel. G4 does bring more air time to video games, but who the fuck cares? its just one big advertisement. I wish there was some mass medium with a genuine quality to it.
Side note: Quarantined by At the Drive-In has to be one of the best recorded songs i've heard. That band also had a really good live show, but that's besides the point. First of all its one of my favorite bands, and it is my favorite song by them, so its already way up there on my favorite songs. I just thought i'd share.
Side note: Quarantined by At the Drive-In has to be one of the best recorded songs i've heard. That band also had a really good live show, but that's besides the point. First of all its one of my favorite bands, and it is my favorite song by them, so its already way up there on my favorite songs. I just thought i'd share.
you get the consolation prize.