fuckin hell. how much has happened since the last time i was here... well not that much but enough to keep me entertained

the holiday was well to warm and not exciting enough for me. but that was over soon enough i came back white and freckley

went to the nasty festival of new wave which rocked my fucking socks off. the bands were amazing....
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im off now. on holiday. i dont want to go. im such a spinster. whine whine whine. etc etc etc.

when i come home im buying an epson r300 and thats that
I just watched Return of the Living Dead again. I loved it. I never saw the second one so I'm eagerly awaiting the upcoming DVD.

Do you have a list of your collection somewhere online?
tired tired tired.

it was owned fest this weekend which was the night before they died on friday which was good and ran pretty smoothly and the owned fest saturday which seemed a little crazy and bands were splitting up and leaving left right and centre. it was good though. i took many pictures.

i need a slide/negative scanner anyone got one going spare?

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just use a torch against a white wall tongue
well yesterday was pretty fun, couldnt find what i was looking for in the comic shop which was gay but i partook in two fine pots of tea with a boy named craig who was very nice. and then to the girls house to watch tv eat dinner and ice cream and talk about life which is always fun.

although today i am well knackered....
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pff, i eat whole cheesecakes to myself all the time, fill yr boots hon!
I'm getting over mine too. Come south babe and let's get over them together wink
bored bored bored bored. how boring is it living alone? i mean really?.. it is well boring.

well only sometimes, its so quiet im talking louder to myself and shouting insults at the tv. how the television chooses to mock me.

cant wait to get away for a day tomorrow, comic book shopping here i come im after some old ec stuff if they still...
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your name reminded me i hit a bird on the way to work today
yo ho ho me harties.

all goes well the party was much fun last night, horror films marathons, drinking, eating dancing like molly ringwald in cowboy boots.

and also get to spend another day with the mcphunk and wills going to notts on wednesday to stress relieve.

and what else.. not much.. i have a tummy ache. too much food.
i have heard people have a lot of trouble with this 'food' id steer clear if i were you. tongue
look at me being all grown up and old all over the place.

yesterday was pretty good, it was all a bit cinderella to start with but then i gave myself a kicking and told me to get on with it so i bought a new lipstick and finished the birthday cake and went out into town etc.

got a message from that lovely boy....
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Just thought I wish you a good weekend from the sunny south. kiss
rub me up in keyboards and electric beats thats so what i am all about. to fill the time im pulling poses and flicking my fringe like a mother fucker.

calum bought me the chikinki album for my birthday listening to it now, ace as.

also, nothing else also. just dancing like a mother and waiting for the birthday party.
happy happies!
2 days and ill be twenty how exciting is that?! well not that exciting but were having a party so it will be good.

not much else is happening, went out with the boys drinking last night which was ok, although should the big c find out were all in trouble i imagine.

missingthe company of bec well bad, hope she is ok, i have...
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happy crimbo on ur birthday! kiss
i am so sick and fucking tired of having to apologise to people for some of my friends. i am so embarrassed that some people have such a lack of basic fucking manners and cannot help but ruin peoples nights out and embarrassing peoples friends coming into town for the evening. i mean. really.

i have a rash on my tattoo from the cream. which...
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I often dream about never working again. I would live modestly and enjoy chilling out. And watching movies, of course.

What are your favorite Argento films? Do you like Suspiria?