woah. 24 hours of work this week. 28 hours of work next week. this crazy madness has got to stop. my feet are tired. only so much i can take of simpering morons.

on a good note, everyone thinks im great at my job - im one hell of a shoe merchandiser apparantly.

and now food, then more partying in the way of shooting victor...
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well done on the shoe front. i work in retail too, i hated it on the shopfloor i wanted to punch every customer that spoke to me, now im in the stockroom so i get no customers, which means i want to punch fellow members of staff instead.biggrin
ello. where in god's name is lincoln? and thank you for pointing out ghost boat rides; i was thinking bout them and now you have pointed a godly finger at their perfection kiss
how much fun did us kids have at 80s night. loads. thats how much fun.

so me and alex are totally over and i can learn to deal with that as long as people will promise to keep me occupied and draw my brain to fun.

80s extravaganza at the ponana this eve and we danced our bottoms off. it was so much trash bag...
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so i ad a generally shitty day yesterday. hitting the ground pretty hard again, had to edit a deliriously bad journal post i made because it was so embarassing. no tattoo. no phone call. nothing. im proper worried im losing my mind really bad im turning into this horrible person right now and i dont know how to snap out of it.

but hey todays...
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Unfortunately the Chintzy duvet isn't mine it's October's. Not really my thing really but there you go. surreal
i had the longest day ever at work today, im convinced its a vortex that place cos im sure i was there for at 43 hours...

whos the phone call gonna be off??
hey ho another day to new look. what fun ensues. today i look smart, black trousers and a lovely black long sleeved top because i cant get me tats out. i am wearing a pink zebra print bra though, i think this makes up for the drab appearance.

im sooo trendy, although for a trendy girl i do look quite attractive i reckon. i might...
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hey make sure you dont let yourself go all the way with yourself, you dont wann get bad reputation. biggrin
hehe love your profile pic! i think pretending the results don't exist is a VERY good idea wink

the pink grease album rocks my world!!!
Ritzy's is still there? Geez, that makes me feel even older surreal

What pubs do the stoodent types frequent in Lincoln these days? The Falstaff , Wig and Mitre, Turk's Head and Duke of Wellington used to be faves when I was there.... many moons ago...
mmm, yes. It's a goodie in't it! was most pleased to come across that one (no pun intended!). Nice to see a fellow pegg-watcher on SG biggrin
well howe xciting was yesterday - a wedding which was quite depressing because it was all about how wonderful love was, i wanted to shout things like, well, youre a bastard. but i couldnt. i was also the wedding photographer which im quite proud of.

a bit of drinking and a huge amount of buffet style food ensued, i got free bubbles, free plant seeds,...
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i think my uncles farm is in scotter, it has like a name like ku-ku, but not that if you get me...
yeah you should do that. wear comfortable shoes, to theres many a ditch in those fields...

I have signed up for a new flat, which sadly has no garden but its pretty big and nice, just trying to con all my buddies to visit all the time.
Have an amazing new friend in Lincoln who is constantly keeping me in tears of laughter at our constant hardcore lesbianism facade.
Went out last night with the homies and had a great...
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i still havent seen elf, and his new one 'anchorman' is out soon but i have zoolander and old school to supply my need.
trailer here

it looks very random but good.
wow. im back.

so much shit has happened since ive been gone, been living with the boyfriend for just over a year, been going out with him for just over 2 and one morning he wakes up and just says hes not in love with me anymore. and then hes gone. so im living alone right now, just trying to move into a new flat...
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hey there . . hope ur well considerin grr peeps suck and dont get em . . change is good . . hope we help fill ur empty hours and make ya smile lady! kiss love
hi im david, i had a similar thing happen to me so if u ever need a male point of view i can help.
hope ur ok. smile
until i can find a credit card to finance my belonging here then ill be gone. i know ive siad this before and i hardly left at all but now ill deffo be going.


miss you all and the nekkid pictures, and the fact that ive seen learoys penis on his journal and i can tell all the scotter girls about it.

aye aye...
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oh right, so how the fcuk are you on here,

way im ready to go on a trendy night out in donney bouy, just bought a sonette shirt just for it, im only off cos pogo wants to meet his kinda wench b4 she goes to uni tho, but it will be fun i think
oh is that right, what makes me that??
i know you have but i only paid so i could see leas penis and send it accross the whole of the web as a virus, mwahahahahahaha. only kinding but its nice aint it?


ja*** *a*e* ja*es lol oh my god i am wearing a fucking shirt, sonettee im so fucking posh
finally got back on sg at home woowoo!!

anyway, leeds weekend, was ok. saw a few good bands, the mars volta, mclusky, sparta and probably some others. had some shit times waiting for alex to turn up from anywhere and being by myself.

frequented in teh guest area to pee in nice toilets.

and now im home, and back tow ork and normality and uni...
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peeing in nice toilets is always fun. what part of the UK are you from? I'm southwest of London, down in Dorset county. smile

peeing in nice toilets is always fun. what part of the UK are you from? I'm southwest of London, down in Dorset county. smile