It's supposed to keep snowing until tomorrow evening and accumulate to about 15in-22in or about 38cm-56cm for all my mates across the pond. Fuck my life.🤬🤬 I hate Pennsylvania winters. I'll rephrase that. I hate winters that are accompanied by frozen water falling from the sky and winters that require me to wear a mini electric blanket wrapped around deez. "Deez what" you ask? Well, grab a seat and a cup of tea and I'll tell you. "Deez nuts"😑
Dunno, looks beautiful to me :)
@amyms Hell, don't get me wrong, it looks magnificent, even more so now that it has continued to snow so much. Anyone who says that massive amounts of snow decorating a landscape looks ugly, probably hates puppies, a kittens meow, and the sound of an overweight baby with gas laughing uncontrollably. It's not the actual aesthetics of the snow, it's knowing that I once again didn't go out and buy a snow blower and will have to spend the day shoveling if I don't want to be trapped until it melts. I had every intention of buying one before winter and procrastinated yet again. I'd rather forcibly shove a lit road flare up my butthole than shovel snow all day. However, looking at the snow from a window is fine by me.