Melvin, if you remember, is the poor cat that I found wandering in front of the shop basically dragging both of his rear legs as he tried to walk. He had a fractured and dislocated right hip/leg as well as a fractured left leg. Apparently some disgusting piece of shit, waste of oxygen, gene pool polluter kicked this harmless innocent animal. Lucky for me, and him, he ended up in front of my shop. I was able to lure him in with food and immediately got him to the animal hospital. It was a long recovery for him and after a few months he was ready to be introduced to the rest of the family, which obviously includes the furry family. He has recovered exceptionally well and even though his hip didn't heal back together quite right, he runs, jumps, and chases the other cats around like nothing ever happened. Unfortunately, he is still terrified of feet/shoes and will run away if you walk towards him. However, he now let's people scratch his furry little face, chin, and ears. The bonus, he likes to have his belly scratched. These photos are of him on top of his favorite cat tree while playing with his favorite feather toy that hangs from the cat tree. The last two photos are from the day I was able to trap him and his first vet visit to get fixed up. Good food and love has made such an enormous difference. The cost of his vet bills have been well worth seeing how happy he is having friends and toys to play with. We love him very much and we're so happy he's with us.