my dad grew up in london, and its his 50th birthday today. i grew up in Oxford about 35 miles southwest and have family and friends there and in London. so if you're thinking i'm posting this for less than personal reasons, fuck you, and fuck you too.
if you want up to the minute reports about it go to
they have an emergency number and very good reports about what happened.
i've been watching MSNBC as thats the only news channel we get and all theyre talking about it how the stock market was affected and this and that and thats fucking sickening.
i'm going to be going out tonight as i don't know exactly what to do. theres not much i really can do where i am except put my heart in the right place. if any of you want to join me in my drinking with some close friends (cause i know thats my dad would do) then feel free. not drinking as an excuse to drink. just a chance to be with friends and gather round. email me through here or give me a call. if you don't have my number then ask.
if you want up to the minute reports about it go to
they have an emergency number and very good reports about what happened.
i've been watching MSNBC as thats the only news channel we get and all theyre talking about it how the stock market was affected and this and that and thats fucking sickening.
i'm going to be going out tonight as i don't know exactly what to do. theres not much i really can do where i am except put my heart in the right place. if any of you want to join me in my drinking with some close friends (cause i know thats my dad would do) then feel free. not drinking as an excuse to drink. just a chance to be with friends and gather round. email me through here or give me a call. if you don't have my number then ask.
YOWZA means what?