* DUDE GUESS WHO I RAN INTO TODAY? THIS DUDE. isn't that awesome? he was all walking around Michigan Ave in his blue question mark suit looking all pissed off for whatever reason. it was so cool. i bet he was tripping balls or something. you'd have to be to wear that fucking suit.
* its time to quit smoking. for real. i dunno. i just dont want to anymore.
* MAI68 is running great. you should all go there and download the mp3's.
* i had two interviews... one at Adidas, the other at Levis. i hope i get a job soon.
* i got a DJ gig at the Hard Rock Hotel in a couple of weeks. SIX FUCKING HOURS of dj'ing and i can only do cd's and mp3's. iPod don't fail me now.
* Roby's coming out to Chicago next weekend. that should be good, we need to see eachother and talk a lot. i miss her.
* its time to quit smoking. for real. i dunno. i just dont want to anymore.
* MAI68 is running great. you should all go there and download the mp3's.
* i had two interviews... one at Adidas, the other at Levis. i hope i get a job soon.
* i got a DJ gig at the Hard Rock Hotel in a couple of weeks. SIX FUCKING HOURS of dj'ing and i can only do cd's and mp3's. iPod don't fail me now.
* Roby's coming out to Chicago next weekend. that should be good, we need to see eachother and talk a lot. i miss her.
hepburn I count on you !!!!!!
i assume that you know better than me (do you?)