im doing a paper on style in music. essentially i need your opinions on what makes a rock-star, image wise.
and how image defines a person to the outside world.
basically, if Guns N Roses hadnt appeared in photographs as sleazy rock stars... if they hadnt been "invited" onto MTV as debaucherous rockers, if they had say looked like guys you worked with at the 9-to-5, would they generally hold the same image if you just listened to the music?
another example is of Joy Division and their dark new wave pastiche and how that added to their music. wearing the suit and tie and all that shit.
so please take 5 minutes and write me an email and let me know what you guys think about image and style and rock stars. i need all the help i can get.
and how image defines a person to the outside world.
basically, if Guns N Roses hadnt appeared in photographs as sleazy rock stars... if they hadnt been "invited" onto MTV as debaucherous rockers, if they had say looked like guys you worked with at the 9-to-5, would they generally hold the same image if you just listened to the music?
another example is of Joy Division and their dark new wave pastiche and how that added to their music. wearing the suit and tie and all that shit.
so please take 5 minutes and write me an email and let me know what you guys think about image and style and rock stars. i need all the help i can get.
ill take that as a compliment cause robys gorgeous
well i'm glad to see you two getting along!! how about you both share the couch on some nights so that i can bring home MY manwhores? please?