hey kids! pictures at the bottom of this entry!
alas and alack. i have spilled water on my alarm clock and now i will have NO idea what time i go to bed. or what time it is now. i must rely on my wit and cunning to survive like the fox that i am.
roby stayed for close to a week and we had loads of fun going many places and dabbling our fingers in all the pies if you call pies whisky and you call dabbling drinking.
got in a huge fight with my mum. i don't get her anymore. she treats me more like an employee than a parent. i kinda lost it the other night and gave up hope and broke down in the shower like some fucking black and white french movie. do you know how pathetic it feels to cry when you are naked? crying. naked. what kind of Orwellian nightmare am i living in? and what would Horatio Alger do in this situation?
i miss robysto already. i havent felt this sad since they numbed my weiner so they could reduce the size because LEGALLY its classified as a weapon but i say it isnt and they say it is... sigh.
yeah so im really worried about school and other than that i'm doing ok i guess. ah fuck it, whos reading this far anyway?
my friend Rachel who is as cool as a cucumber.
met ophelia and sunburntkamel. they are awesome although i think i creeped them out a little.
ate a lot of these:
SG Taco rides again.
i saw this dog on the way to class today. i decided that it was me in dog form. its exactly how i think i come across to other people.
i took this for heather 'cause if youve ever tried to fucking call her it makes perfect sense. i bet she fucking hibernates.
alas and alack. i have spilled water on my alarm clock and now i will have NO idea what time i go to bed. or what time it is now. i must rely on my wit and cunning to survive like the fox that i am.
roby stayed for close to a week and we had loads of fun going many places and dabbling our fingers in all the pies if you call pies whisky and you call dabbling drinking.
got in a huge fight with my mum. i don't get her anymore. she treats me more like an employee than a parent. i kinda lost it the other night and gave up hope and broke down in the shower like some fucking black and white french movie. do you know how pathetic it feels to cry when you are naked? crying. naked. what kind of Orwellian nightmare am i living in? and what would Horatio Alger do in this situation?
i miss robysto already. i havent felt this sad since they numbed my weiner so they could reduce the size because LEGALLY its classified as a weapon but i say it isnt and they say it is... sigh.
yeah so im really worried about school and other than that i'm doing ok i guess. ah fuck it, whos reading this far anyway?

my friend Rachel who is as cool as a cucumber.
met ophelia and sunburntkamel. they are awesome although i think i creeped them out a little.

ate a lot of these:

SG Taco rides again.

i saw this dog on the way to class today. i decided that it was me in dog form. its exactly how i think i come across to other people.

i took this for heather 'cause if youve ever tried to fucking call her it makes perfect sense. i bet she fucking hibernates.
And thanx for your nice comment on my set