Look at me, look at me hands in the air like it's good to be ALIVE and I'm a famous rapper They call me the hiphop-potamus and My lyrics are bottomless
So yea, thats pretty much it and GRANTED I DID STEAL and mesh those two songs together from Handle Bards and Hipopopotamus Vs. Rhymenoceros but i dont think they will be to hard up over it.
Been alittle pissed that i havent had the time for SG as much as i have in the past. Work is work and isnt really the issue, but now i got two little girls so SG has become more of a random time thing. I try keepen up with the blogs and i try maken friends, but i gotta tell ya...its hard maken friends. At least for me it has always been kinda hard. Im the type of guy you know you either like or dont the first time you meet me. Luckly most people seem to like me.
So im sitten here and just put my oldest one to sleep, 3y, and i foudn out i dont know any nursery rhyms!
So i improvised and started to sing some ozzy and weezer. Sure enough " Crazy Train , If i closed my eyes forever, See you on the othere side " from the ozz man, and " Keep Fishing, Buddy Holly, and The Sweater song " from the weezer seemed to knock her ass right out.
Am i a good foster daddy or what??
Lol, well i called in an hour late for work so i could spend some time with her and i gots a sinuse infection and i really should be getten ready befor wifey kicks my ass and work calls my house wondering where the hell i am.
Oh, all this boils down to is i wouldnt mind maken friends on SG. Im pretty open, but not very good at striken up a conversation. That is usualy the downfall of any online friendship i have. Ah well. Ka-Sara-Sara.
I need to learn how to spell.
Take it easy, as long as it anit to sleezy, and if its to breezy then leave it for MEzie !!
Damn that was stupid.
Big Amish
So yea, thats pretty much it and GRANTED I DID STEAL and mesh those two songs together from Handle Bards and Hipopopotamus Vs. Rhymenoceros but i dont think they will be to hard up over it.
Been alittle pissed that i havent had the time for SG as much as i have in the past. Work is work and isnt really the issue, but now i got two little girls so SG has become more of a random time thing. I try keepen up with the blogs and i try maken friends, but i gotta tell ya...its hard maken friends. At least for me it has always been kinda hard. Im the type of guy you know you either like or dont the first time you meet me. Luckly most people seem to like me.
So im sitten here and just put my oldest one to sleep, 3y, and i foudn out i dont know any nursery rhyms!
So i improvised and started to sing some ozzy and weezer. Sure enough " Crazy Train , If i closed my eyes forever, See you on the othere side " from the ozz man, and " Keep Fishing, Buddy Holly, and The Sweater song " from the weezer seemed to knock her ass right out.
Am i a good foster daddy or what??
Lol, well i called in an hour late for work so i could spend some time with her and i gots a sinuse infection and i really should be getten ready befor wifey kicks my ass and work calls my house wondering where the hell i am.
Oh, all this boils down to is i wouldnt mind maken friends on SG. Im pretty open, but not very good at striken up a conversation. That is usualy the downfall of any online friendship i have. Ah well. Ka-Sara-Sara.
I need to learn how to spell.
Take it easy, as long as it anit to sleezy, and if its to breezy then leave it for MEzie !!
Damn that was stupid.
Big Amish