It's crazy that it's been over a yr since I had my accident & landed my ass in this wheelchair & some of my old friends are just now hearing about it. A girl I used to work with like 2 yrs ago,Tiffany, & hadn't talked to in almost that long ran into my friend Jason last night & she was asking about me & what I was up to. Jasons just like.."I talked to him a week or so back & saw him a couple months ago.." & that's when she asked what I was up to. Jason was just like, "You haven't really heard have you..?". So he told her & she like started crying. She wanted to come see me today! I'm shot from therapy & everything though so I just kinda said maybe another day. Plus Gabrielle would have been either pissy or been trying to sit right on top of me..
'Cause right before Tiffany quit where we worked we started talking about going out sometime...
I'm not really certain if Gabrielle knows that or not but...
So yeah therapy kicked my ass today! I feel, well I didn't actually FALL but I fell over, when I was trying to get back into my wheelchair from the mat today & hurt my elbow & my shoulder today.( Yeah it was the one that's already fucked up anyway too! ) So it's really sore.
I'll survive.
So I got a link to this place out in Cali that is gonna be doing some clinical trial with stem cell treatment....So I'm going to try & jump on board with that even if I have to go stay in Cali for a month or so I don't care! It would sooooo be worth it!!
So we'll see...
Even though I'm broke I treated myself to some new tunes today..Go Betty Go!!!
Go fucking get it!! These ladies are awesome!!!
Hope everyone's having a good week!!
So yeah therapy kicked my ass today! I feel, well I didn't actually FALL but I fell over, when I was trying to get back into my wheelchair from the mat today & hurt my elbow & my shoulder today.( Yeah it was the one that's already fucked up anyway too! ) So it's really sore.
So I got a link to this place out in Cali that is gonna be doing some clinical trial with stem cell treatment....So I'm going to try & jump on board with that even if I have to go stay in Cali for a month or so I don't care! It would sooooo be worth it!!
Even though I'm broke I treated myself to some new tunes today..Go Betty Go!!!
Go fucking get it!! These ladies are awesome!!!
Hope everyone's having a good week!!
thanks for your kind congratulation.