So I have been a good boy & I've stayed off Ebay the last week or so. Now I just have to keep it up acouple more weeks, except to sell stuff! I'm gonna try to pick up photoshop soon & get started practicing with it. I'll have to use it in some classes when I finally get back to school. Plus a friend of mines band had asked me to come up with some stuff for their cd last yr before my wreck. They're great, I got a shoutout from them on a local radio station when I was in the hospital. They've already got a logo of sorts for me to work with
So it'll gimme something to goof around with. Plus I can start working on my new tattoo design. It'll be something KINDA like this
BUT I'm gonna change alot of stuff..Gotta be original!
I've missed sooooooo many concerts this summer, Warped , Pointfest, Ozzfest...BUT I tink I finally might get to go to a 3 Doors down show next month!! YAY!!
Back to the subject of school I'm HOPEFULLY going to be going back in the spring sem.
It's going to be so different from before. I'm prety nervous, but I gotta get back to it sometime..
Oh and I watched Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind lastnite....GREAT FUCKING MOVIE!! I love it. It's gonna be wanna my next purchases!!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

So it'll gimme something to goof around with. Plus I can start working on my new tattoo design. It'll be something KINDA like this

BUT I'm gonna change alot of stuff..Gotta be original!

Back to the subject of school I'm HOPEFULLY going to be going back in the spring sem.

Oh and I watched Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind lastnite....GREAT FUCKING MOVIE!! I love it. It's gonna be wanna my next purchases!!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Thats a cool idea to start with for a tatoo.