I talked to 2 of my ex's today, Jess and Becky, I kinda hate talking to them some times. It makes me kinda sad.
I miss 'em both lots. Just talking to them. Becky isn't really an ex but just an extremely close friend. We never happenedcbecause we lived so far apart. With Jess our time got cut short because of my wreck..
I know she still likes me and I miss her evertime I talk to her. I love Gabrielle but it's like I'll never know what could have been w/me and Jess. I'll maybe never know I guess.....

Things are always like, there is always at least ONE person that gets to you in a way that other people don't...and it doesn't work out for whatever reason....but you go on through life in one way or another comparing every other person to them...maybe not even comparring......but you always wonder and even though they may fade in your heart they will never disapear.