So I talk to Gabrielle today...Basically she went to this party w/her friend last night. Well this dude her friend used to date and who she still has a thing for was there...well he got to talking to Gabrielle about her. Then the fact that Gabrielle had a boyfriend came up and she told him about me being in a wheel chair..Well this dude still tried hitting on Gabrielle..even though her friend was there. Well when she turned him down he started making fun of me...
WHAT THE FUCK!!??!!?? Who does that, what kind of a jackass makes fun of a dude he has never met and that is in a wheelchair plus I wasn't even there to stick up for myself...From what Gabrielle told me she told em off prety good but he just kept it up. Even his friends after awhile were kinda like "What the fuck dude..." So in the end not only did he get turned down by my girlfriend and her friend but he also ended up looking kinda like a jackass...lol

STUPID FUCKER!! Gimme a year or so when I get up and get stronger I'll fiind his little punk ass a beat the shit outta him with my cane!!lol
On another note...Jess called me today..I think it was because I was supposed to to the movies tonite and she was gonna go...I really do miss her and I wish we'd have had more of a chance before the wreck...Maybe we would have made it maybe not....I guess we'll never know